
Driver’s Ed
License to Drive in Alabama 
HSLDA: Ethics Doing the Right Thing   2 CD’s 
Ethics  by susan Terkel 
 Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics 
Introductory Logic CD   Logos School 
Intermediate Logic CD   Logos School 
The Fallacy Detective 
Thinking Toolbox 
Intermediate Logic Student Book 
Intermediate Logic Answer Key 
The Book of Think (Or How to Solve a Problem Twice Your Size) 
Psychology,  9th Ed By David Myers 
Psychology-Principles in Practice, Rathus 
Public Speaking
A Concise Public Speaking Handbook    by Beebe    3rd ed 
Abeka: Speech for Today 
SAT Prep
College Prep Genius set (2 books, DVD set) 
College Prep Genius teacher’s guide 
Financial Accounting CD-rom course  (Professor in a Box)